GHolden Proof

How it Works


I can help you with your next writing project.
In 7 simple steps, you can have the worry of the detail taken out of your hands.


Take the first step by choosing how you get in touch. Message me from my contact page or social media to help you with your editing queries.


Unsure if you’ve overused words, have run-on sentences or need to create a consistent tone? We’ll discuss your requirements and the level of editing appropriate for your project.


Set the process in motion! Once your project details are confirmed, you make your initial payment, and the editing process begins.


By raising queries and making thoughtful suggestions, I’ll help you achieve polished content to accomplish your goals.


You’ll receive a message to confirm that the editing process is complete.


Now all you need to do is make the final payment for the document to be released.


I will return your document with suggested changes, allowing you to choose how best to let your voice shine through.